“Spotlight of the Week” is a weekly published series that highlights what happens in the world of PR, Comms, Marketing, Advertising, Social. It’s about the work that makes you think “Pssttt I wish I had come up with this idea”. The work that matters. Or simply the ones (good and bad) that get people talking. …
Month: February 2023
“Spotlight of the Week” is a weekly published series that highlights what happens in the world of PR, Comms, Marketing, Advertising, Social. It’s about the work that makes you think “Pssttt I wish I had come up with this idea”. The work that matters. Or simply the ones (good and bad) that get people talking. …
Babes, are you OK? You’re barely deinfluencing. The year is 2019. Someone breaks their silence. Tati Westbrook says “Bye Sister” in a tell-all YouTube video to James Charles. A whole new saga that eclipses Twilight’s, begins. At one point, it feels like tides turn, the Earth stops spinning and the whole world breaks its dimension. …
“Spotlight of the Week” is a weekly published series that highlights what happens in the world of PR, Comms, Marketing, Advertising, Social. It’s about the work that makes you think “Pssttt I wish I had come up with this idea”. The work that matters. Or simply the ones (good and bad) that get people talking. …