SPOTLIGHT OF THE WEEK [16.01 – 22.01]

"Spotlight of the Week" is a weekly published series that highlights what happens in the world of PR, Comms, Marketing, Advertising, Social. It's about the work that makes you think "Pssttt I wish I had come up with this idea". The work that matters. Or simply the ones (good and bad) that get people talking. The good and the not-so-good. So, what's in the news? 

Deals Stuck in Time by McDonald’s Sweden and Nord DDB

You don’t need the eye of Agamotto to time travel – the latest campaign from McDonald’s Sweden and Nord DDB let people travel back in time using Google Street View to give consumers best deal amid cozzie livvie and inflation.

Out-of-home advertisements for the campaign Deals stuck in time will run in the exact same locations as some of the McDonald’s billboards which have been stuck in time on Google Street View, and act as time portals to better deals.

Prior, cheaper McDonald’s ads can be found, submitted to a custom website and redeemed via McDonald’s app.

The campaign is communicated through DOOH and OOH along with film, audio, and social media. Deals Stuck in Time is exclusively available in Sweden.

Do It With TikTok by TikTok and Mother London

It’s not just the dancing app for young people, is it?

According to Mother, Tiktok is that app with all the DIY ideas, and the great recipes, and the parenting tips, and mental health discussions, and women’s rights, and Japanese woodworking, and workouts and green juice recipes, and well, pretty much everything. The campaign is about showing TikTok is for everyone and pretty much everything.

Featuring #BookTok#diy#cleantok#recipes and more – there really is something everyone will find useful on TikTok! Of course I’ve spent an average 6 hours a day on TikTok so there’s no need for elaboration.

Ground Dog Day by Dog Trust and VCCP

The UK’s largest Dog Welfare Charity, Dogs Trust, has launched an integrated brand campaign to show owners and their dogs how they are the best partner to support them through life, with the help of global agency of record VCCP. 

It’s the first campaign in its five-year journey of the partnership. According to VCCP, as a result of the cost of living crisis Dogs Trust has seen an overwhelming increase in owners feeling like they have no choice but to give up their much loved dogs because they cannot afford to keep them, receiving over 1,000 calls a week. This is why the charity is launching the Ground Dog Day campaign which, implicitly connected to the cost of living crisis, dials up help and support dog owners and their dogs so owners can get from Dogs Trust so they don’t have to make the ultimate sacrifice and lose their dog.

The hero AV is accompanied by four 10” social videos, ‘Behaviour’, ‘Help’, ‘Recall’ and ‘Support’ that aim to give dog owners simple and quick advice, delivered in a positive way. The first video ‘Behaviour’ shows a dog ripping up different household items such as letters and slippers and tells the owner how this could be a sign that the dog is distressed. The second film, ‘Help’ shows a dog eating on different days and lets people know that Dogs Trust has partnered with Fairshare to provide dog food for UK Food Banks. The third ‘Recall’ shows a dog being called by its owner in the park and highlights how Dogs Trust has recall training available. The fourth film  ‘Support’ shows a dog with an injury collar sitting in its dog bed and lets owners know that Dogs Trust might be able to help with veterinary bills.

The World’s First SADvert by Krispy Kreme and Good Relations

Krispy Kreme revealed the world’s first SADvert, an interactive billboard dispensing light therapy to passers-by at the touch of a button. Situated in Salford, which averages less than two hours of sunlight per day in January, the interactive billboard is intended to unleash joy to commuters and passers-by in January when sunlight levels are at some of their lowest and those suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) may be struggling the most.

A study of 2,000 adults found they suffer an average of eight sad days a month, with a quarter feeling at their lowest during January. The 4.4 x 6 metre advertisement, in the shape of a giant doughnut box, beams out white light that can help banish SAD – Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Dr Shelley James, director at Age of Light Innovations said: “Bright light, especially in the morning, can help boost your mood in three naturally powerful ways by helping the brain to regulate mood hormones, supporting alertness and making it easier to fall asleep.”